As I am getting settled in DC, setting up my studio, and scoping out awesome outdoor local sites, I will be focusing some time and attention on product promotion. If you make any baby/child wear that you would like professional pictures of I would be happy to help you. In addition to receiving a professional photo, your products will be advertised on my facebook fan page. If you are interested please contact me!
Beautiful hat pictured below courtesy of RWR Knits
Adorable headband with interchangeable clips featured below courtesy of Appleseed by Denise
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Operation Relocation COMPLETE
We made it! The "Plankattistas" are all moved in and settled in DC. I really think we are going to like it here... a lot, we've been having a ball so far! I have a natural light studio that is amazing. I can't wait to get my business up and running here and in the meantime I will be taking many pics of the kids in this awesome space :) Today I snapped a couple of Ander rocking in a chair that was his daddy's as a child. I canNOT believe I will be doing his one year portraits soon. He's growing and changing so fast and is an absolute doll. And I'm not just saying that because he's mine :D
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Little Brady is one!
I got to play with this cute little man in his home this morning and do his one year old portrait pictures. I went to college with his mom and dad and was so happy they chose me to take on the task! Those eyes and those CURLS! I don't know if his mommy will ever have the heart to cut those gorgeous locks and I don't blame her. :) Thanks H and Goose, I hope you enjoy your preview!
Twin blessings...
I had the pleasure of photographing these beautiful twin boys both yesterday afternoon and this morning. Their lives are a true blessing and celebration. Nearly one year ago they were born prematurely and spent a lot of time in the NICU. Today they are happy, healthy and whole... inside and out. I am so honored to have had the opportunity to do photos for this wonderful family.
Friday, March 19, 2010
My new little "niece"!!!!
I came to Chicago this weekend to meet my best friend's new baby girl. Amanda and I were sorority sisters in college and have been bust buds ever since. Seems like just yesterday we were partying... uh-hum...I mean studying... at U of I. Now here I am photographing her beautiful family and second baby. So cool :)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Boys Boys Boys!
This afternoon I met with the Birmingham family winner of my Cutest Baby/Tot Contest. Cooper won the contest with his brother Brooks a mere one vote behind him. Big brother Jackson was too old to be entered but gosh, the entire family is so darn cute! These boys gave me quite the workout but I had so much fun. :) Big thank you again to all of my contest participants and voters!!!
This morning's family shoot!
I met this adorable family out at Aldridge Gardens this morning. It wasn't exactly super warm but they were troopers and I had so much fun with them! Little Mr. J loved throwing pine cones in the water and he and his daddy even saw a snake... Mrs. V was less than thrilled hearing about the legless creature :) Little Miss A.S. was content as long as she had her soothie and blanket or was in her mommy's arms. I am honored to have had the opportunity to capture such wonderful moments of this beautiful family...
Saturday, March 13, 2010
A little plug!
Hey everyone! Life is about to get super hectic with upcoming photo shoots and all the relocation fun and we move next Monday. EEK!!! But I wanted to take a minute to share a pic from today of Avery modeling an adorable hat with interchangeable flower clip from Appleseed by Denise. I am going to use some of the headbands she sent this weekend when I do my best friend's new baby girl. LOTS of new pics on the near horizon! :D
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
It is bittersweet news to be announcing! My husband will be the new Local Sales Manager with WTTG in DC and Tyler Plank Photography will have a natural light studio! It is exciting but also hard to leave. Birmingham has been a wonderful place to live and we are really going to miss all of our wonderful friends here. This is where we began our married life, purchased or first home, had both of our children, and where I started my photography business. Birmingham will always hold a special place in my heart.
My time is very limited as we move in just 2 weeks but if you are interested in booking me before I move, I have availability next week... Monday and Tuesday look gorgeous weather-wise and I will be offering a "Going Away" special :) Contact me via email if you are interested at
My time is very limited as we move in just 2 weeks but if you are interested in booking me before I move, I have availability next week... Monday and Tuesday look gorgeous weather-wise and I will be offering a "Going Away" special :) Contact me via email if you are interested at
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Adorable Newborn + Adorable Hats = Photographer LOVE
Oh MY! I got to photograph the most perfect 12 day old today. She slept nearly the whole time I was there and was simply a joy to work with... so precious. And to top it off I had so much fun chatting with her wonderful mommy! Here is GORGEOUS baby P modeling diaper cover, cocoon and hats by RWR Knits. Love <3
Monday, March 8, 2010
ANNOUNCING the Cutest Baby/Tot Contest WINNERS
WOW! That was so much fun. THANK YOU to everyone who voted and especially to the parents who entered their adorable children! Without further ado, the winners are...
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Home Again, Home Again!
Well we made it! Love going to Seabrook but 7 hours in the car with 2 babies is always a "trip!" :) After cleaning and unpacking I am back to work and life. Our last night in SB we celebrated a couple of things. One being Jay's parents upcoming 40th wedding anniversary! They are still going strong and definitely an inspiration to me. The other news... will be announced soon! Sorry :) Here are a few pics I did our last day and night there... the ones of Jay's parents make me a little teary-eyed, awww shucks.
p.s. Voting for the Cutest Baby/Tot Contest ends tomorrow! So go vote if you haven't yet!

p.s. Voting for the Cutest Baby/Tot Contest ends tomorrow! So go vote if you haven't yet!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Not exactly beach photos...
Well the kids and I have been in Seabrook visiting the grandparents and the weather pretty much stinks. I was looking forward to doing more pics on the beach but it's been too cold and we haven't made it to the beach one time yet :( I am determined to before the trip is up though! Anyway we went to the aquarium yesterday... it was a cold, rainy, windy and miserable walk from the car to the entrance and I could have sworn I was in Chicago! But once inside we had a great time. Just thought I would share some pics. ***ALSO***... deadline for Cutest Baby/Tot photo submission is 5 pm CST today and I am so ready to get the voting started...yay!!! So you have a few hours left to get yours in if you still want to participate! Thanks!

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